Videographer Alejandro Calore (REAL&SHORT®) has reached a World status in less than 3 years.

After shooting Weddings & other Events in Argentina, United Kingdom, France, Ibiza, Monaco, Italy, Columbia, India, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Uruguay and Brazil, he has decided to share his unique approach with the international community of Wedding Videographers.

His presentations include Argentina, Italy, Brazil, Peru, Poland, Hungary, Spain, Great Britain and a growing list.


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02.10.2019 Articles

The story architecture (ENG) by Alejandro Calore

The story architecture by Alejandro Calore


The creation of a good audiovisual story is the result of conjugating a series of elements in a precise way, something very similar to drawing up an architectural plan; the duration of the shots, their temporal ordering, the interrelation of their parts and the progression of the whole… everything must follow an impeccable logic, not as an end in itself, but as a means to reach the audience, intellectually and emotionally.When we approach the editing in this way, we soon notice how we begin to discard useless material; choosing images, sounds and music for mere aesthetic impact do not lead us anywhere. Going back to the architecture analogy, it is as if we were trying to build from ornamentation. The ornamentation is necessary to any building, but it can only come after the structure.Let’s consider the editing process as the ordering of the bricks of a building; a brick in itself is not worth much… but a brick aspires to be part of something big and transcendent. A brick wants to become the Empire State Building, the Pyramid of Keops, the Cathedral of Notre Dame. The only thing that transforms bricks into a perfect work of art is the way they are arranged. The difference between a “video” and a Film, lies in the editing.
Let’s become THE authentic architects of the story.

©2019 by Alejandro Calore (REAL&SHORT®) All rights reserved.
Alejandro Calore is Videographer graduated from the School of Film and TV in Rosario, Argentina, specialized in Documentaries. He has shot Destination Weddings in Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, France, United Kingdom, Mónaco, Italy, Czech Republic and India, among other destinations. He also delivers Seminars on Audiovisual Language around the World.

11.17.2018 Articles

MANIFESTO REAL&SHORT in Wedding Cinematography

Wedding Cinematography: Video-Clip vs. Storytelling


It is true that there is a global trend to follow the “mtv style” in wedding videos. And it is also true that many people feel the weight of this imposed fashion, and seek to try a different approach; a more cinematographic one; to tell stories.
This message that I just received confirms my suspicions.

©2018 by Alejandro Calore (REAL&SHORT®) All rights reserved.
Alejandro Calore is Videographer graduated from the School of Film and TV in Rosario, Argentina, specialized in Documentaries. He has shot Destination Weddings in Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, France, United Kingdom, Mónaco, Italy, Czech Republic and India, among other destinations. He also delivers Seminars on Audiovisual Language around the World.

10.13.2017 Articles



Di solito ho la possibilità di agire come giuria in festival e concorsi di Wedding Cinema. Noto con tristezza che molte delle opere sono copie di copie di copie. Come succede con le copie di fotocopie, si arriva a un punto in cui cercare di capire il contenuto diventa imposibile. Chi conosce un LINGUAGGIO può esprimersi chiaramente, e in modo unico allo stesso tempo.

©2017 by Alejandro Calore (REAL&SHORT®) All rights reserved.
Alejandro Calore is Videographer graduated from the School of Film and TV in Rosario, Argentina, specialized in Documentaries. He has shot Destination Weddings in Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, France, United Kingdom, Mónaco, Italy, Czech Republic and India, among other destinations. He also delivers Seminars on Audiovisual Language around the World.

10.12.2017 Articles



La colonna sonora del mio lavoro è pieno di questa risorsa. E perché si prende la briga di farlo? Semplicemente perché faccio un racconto AUDIO-VISIVO, e l’audio non è solo ricerca della musica, che tante volte toglie il nostro sogno.

Articolo su Wikipedia

©2017 by Alejandro Calore (REAL&SHORT®) All rights reserved.
Alejandro Calore is Videographer graduated from the School of Film and TV in Rosario, Argentina, specialized in Documentaries. He has shot Destination Weddings in Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, France, United Kingdom, Mónaco, Italy, Czech Republic and India, among other destinations. He also delivers Seminars on Audiovisual Language around the World.

10.12.2017 Articles



Bazin privilegia il campo lungo, la correzione della inquadratura, la profondità di campo e unità di Spazio e Tempo. Con queste risorse, lo spettatore può dirigere la sua attenzione con più potenza e libertà lettura oltre la realtà mostrata, e può percepire si estende nel fuori campo e nella sua mente.

André Bazin (1918-1958) Teorico del cinema e critico francese.

©2017 by Alejandro Calore (REAL&SHORT®) All rights reserved.
Alejandro Calore is Videographer graduated from the School of Film and TV in Rosario, Argentina, specialized in Documentaries. He has shot Destination Weddings in Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, France, United Kingdom, Mónaco, Italy, Czech Republic and India, among other destinations. He also delivers Seminars on Audiovisual Language around the World.

10.11.2017 Articles



Tempo fa ho trovato un interessante articolo del Corriere della Sera, grazie a Luca Travaglini. Si intitola “La nitidezza è un concetto borghese”, e questa frase è attribuita al grande fotografo Henri Cartier-Bresson. In tempi di ultra alta definizione come dominante e quasi ossessiva tendenza, non fa male a riflettere su che cosa hanno pensato alcuni grandi artisti visivi.


10.11.2017 Articles

experimento kuleschov by alfred hitchcock


Andrè Bazin gave a definition about the editing process: “Creating a sense that the images objectively do not contain and that only comes from their relationship. The famous Kulesov experiment with the same portrait of Ivan Mozžuchin, whose smile seemed assuming different meanings according to the image that preceded it, perfectly sums up the assembly property.” Some years later, Alfred Hitchcock made a new version of that original experiment, but with the particular English mood.

©2017 by Alejandro Calore (REAL&SHORT®) All rights reserved.
Alejandro Calore is Videographer graduated from the School of Film and TV in Rosario, Argentina, specialized in Documentaries. He has shot Destination Weddings in Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, France, United Kingdom, Mónaco, Italy, Czech Republic and India, among other destinations. He also delivers Seminars on Audiovisual Language around the World.

08.17.2017 Articles

el video del casamiento de messi

Every return to Argentina gave me a new FACE TO FACE with Eduardo Perez Robledo. This was the keenness of knowledge and improvement in the audiovisual language that showed this fellow Rosarino, with whom I held at least 3 meetings. Eduardo had recently embarked on wedding cinematography almost as a hobby, but soon it began to absorb all his available hours, to become his work and passion.
I witnessed his professional growth, as well as the quality and level of his clients. The incredible news came to me in early 2017, during one of my stayings in Rosario. Eduardo summoned me to a bar to tell me a secret:
“I do not know how to start …” Technically I cannot tell ANYONE, but as my mentor I can not exclude you. I beg you to keep it secret until they allow me to make it public. ”
I began to guess something big.
“I’m going to shoot Messi’s wedding”
Even today I find it hard to believe.
But when it’s hard to believe … the facts. Eduardo’s career began with very low profile. And his clients were founded exclusively with word of mouth. Neither wedding planners, nor lobby, nor paid advertising. Mouth to mouth that finally reached the ears of the right people. And even knowing the enormous responsibility that an event of the genre represents for a videographer, I present to all of you the only official teaser of the marriage of LEO & ANTO:

Leo y Anto – Teaser de Boda from CABAMA Cinematografía de Evento on Vimeo.

Congratulations Eduardo!

05.26.2017 Articles

Don't Shoot by Alejandro Calore REAL&SHORT

-What do you do for a living?
-I shoot people

Among the many Anglicisms that accompany our activity as Videographers, one of the most common is the one related to the act of recording: To shoot. Beyond the obvious reference to the act of firing a firearm -quite negative in terms of approaching people – it expresses also a great contradiction to me: shooting involves “throwing something”. Instead, I do not use my camera to “throw something”, but to “receive something”: the direction is opposite. My camera is not an emitter, but a receiver. I’m still looking for the best term to express what I do. The antonyms that I have found so far do not convince me.

endure / shut up / contain

Dear reader: maybe you can help me to find it.

-What do you do for a living?
-I …….. people
©2017 by Alejandro Calore (REAL&SHORT®) All rights reserved.
Alejandro Calore is Videographer graduated from the School of Film and TV in Rosario, Argentina, specialized in Documentaries. He has shot Destination Weddings in Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, France, United Kingdom, Mónaco, Italy, Czech Republic and India, among other destinations. He also delivers Seminars on Audiovisual Language around the World.

05.03.2017 Articles

viste el nuevo vt 16

Did you hear about the new BT-16?
It is said that during the filming of STAR WARS (Episode IV), his director should include a brief dialogue between two assault troops (clones), and was in doubt about the content of this dialogue. What can two clones talk about? Then someone suggested: “Talk about weapons”
– “Did you hear about the new BT-16?”
… was finally the phrase. We videographers usually proceed in the same way; every time we meet: we start, continue and end up talking about Gear. I never attended a talk where the discussion was about framing, editing rhythms, points of view, message … It is true that because of our professional autonomy, we must have the knowledge and total control of our tools. But is it possible that they have become almost an end in itself, rather than a means?
By the way: – “Did you hear about the new BT-16?”
©2017 by Alejandro Calore (REAL&SHORT®) All rights reserved.
Alejandro Calore is Videographer graduated from the School of Film and TV in Rosario, Argentina, specialized in Documentaries. He has shot Destination Weddings in Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, France, United Kingdom, Mónaco, Italy, Czech Republic and India, among other destinations. He also delivers Seminars on Audiovisual Language around the World.