El Videógrafo Alejandro Calore (REAL&SHORT®) ha progresado hacia un estatus internacional en menos de 3 años.

Luego de rodar Bodas y otros Eventos en Argentina, Gran Bretaña, Francia, Ibiza, Mónaco, Italia, Colombia, India, Eslovaquia, Republica Checa, Polonia, Uruguay y Brasil, ha decidido compartir su conocimiento acumulado con la comunidad internacional de Videógrafos de Bodas.

Sus presentaciones incluyen Argentina, Italia, Brasil, Perú, Polonia, Hungría, España, Gran Bretaña y una lista creciente de destinos.

E-mail: info@realnshort.com

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20.02.2018 Educación


REAL&SHORT® at Shape n Light 2018

«Not many professions can be proud that their work brings smiles of happiness on the faces of their clients many years later. Shape n ‘Light will help you to boast more smiles on more faces. Professional photography has no user manual. It has techniques, simple and complex, secrets small and big. Shape n ‘Light hosts the best of their kind to share with you the essence of years of experience, knowledge and experimentation. -The «Shape n ‘Light» team: AsfisThanos – Zaras Stavros

Shape n Light Site

©2018 by Alejandro Calore (REAL&SHORT®) All rights reserved.
Alejandro Calore is Videographer graduated from the School of Film and TV in Rosario, Argentina, specialized in Documentaries. He has shot Destination Weddings in Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, France, United Kingdom, Mónaco, Italy, Czech Republic and India, among other destinations. He also delivers Seminars on Audiovisual Language around the World.