Videographer Alejandro Calore (REAL&SHORT®) has reached a World status in less than 3 years.

After shooting Weddings & other Events in Argentina, United Kingdom, France, Ibiza, Monaco, Italy, Columbia, India, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Uruguay and Brazil, he has decided to share his unique approach with the international community of Wedding Videographers.

His presentations include Argentina, Italy, Brazil, Peru, Poland, Hungary, Spain, Great Britain and a growing list.


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09.26.2012 Films

Que el corazón no se pase de moda, 
que los otoños te doren la piel, 
que cada noche sea noche de bodas, 
que no se ponga la luna de miel. 

VENUE: Dolfines, Rosario
PHOTOGRAPHER: Mauricio Maenza

SONG: “Fairy Princess” by Carly Comando, licensed through The Music Bed