Videographer Alejandro Calore (REAL&SHORT®) has reached a World status in less than 3 years.

After shooting Weddings & other Events in Argentina, United Kingdom, France, Ibiza, Monaco, Italy, Columbia, India, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Uruguay and Brazil, he has decided to share his unique approach with the international community of Wedding Videographers.

His presentations include Argentina, Italy, Brazil, Peru, Poland, Hungary, Spain, Great Britain and a growing list.


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11.29.2013 Articles


Portrait of Alejandro Calore (REAL&SHORT®) by MICKAFILMS.

LOCATION: Lège-Cap-Ferret and Andernos, France

09.10.2013 Articles



Con motivo de la reciente visita a la Argentina del Realizador granadino Francisco Montoro, tuve la oportunidad de un Encuentro Cercano de última hora con él. Y a pesar de su apretada agenda, Francisco se hizo un tiempo para dialogar conmigo.

La cita tuvo lugar en Buenos Aires en la mañana de un domingo, cuando pasé a recogerlo por Aeroparque en su vuelo proveniente de la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina). Previo a eso, Fran había dictado su Workshop en la provincia de Tucumán, para luego embarcarse en un ambicioso recorrido por varias provincias argentinas, visitando amigos y conociendo algunos énclaves de nuestro país (es su primera vez aquí).

Nuestra jornada en Buenos Aires se desarrolló como un improvisado circuito turístico por algunos puntos obligados, aunque bien pronto nuestra charla nos absorvió de tal manera, que ya no importó mucho el resto. Y si bien el motivo del encuentro no fue una entrevista formal, tomé la decisión de resumir 22 horas de conversación contínua en algunos conceptos que quedaron flotando en mi mente, aunque algo desordenados en su exposición. Sepan disculpar, pues, la informalidad de lo que sigue.

Llegó en sandalias y bermudas.  Lo primero que le pregunté fue si tenía frío en los pies: me respondió que no. Luego nos reímos mucho de ésto.

JET LAG A pesar de su extremo agotamiento, Francisco jamás renunció a dejar una pregunta sin responder, un concepto sin redondear, una idea sin ejemplificar.  Aún luego de varias horas de formularle una pregunta, decía: “Pues, respondiéndote aquella pregunta…”  Entre pregunta y respuesta, habían transcurrido 9 horas.

ALMA VIAJERA   Perú, Venezuela, Chile, Estados Unidos, India, China, Reino Unido… Tanto camino por él recorrido! Y tanto por recorrer aún. De eso no me caben dudas.

ARTE Y DEMOCRACIA  “Si de algo estoy seguro, es que mis decisiones creativas no pueden estar sujetas a la aprobación de nadie más que yo. La creación artística no puede ser democrática“.

EL YUNQUE DE CROM Bien pronto descubrí que su gusto musical también abarcaba a los compositores de películas que yo amo. Basil Poledouris, John Williams, James Horner, Hans Zimmer, Alan Silvestri… Cuando me tarareó la música de CONAN, me dije a mi mismo: “¡Bárbaro!”.

TABACO Durante gran parte del día Fran estuvo buscando tabaco, y yo me devané los sesos tratando de encontrarlo en alguna tienda especializada. Luego descubrí que se refería a cigarrillos comunes y corrientes.

LA ÉTICA DEL REALIZADOR  “Como realizadores, debemos ser plenamente conscientes de las implicancias de nuestro trabajo; tenemos una responsabilidad ética que trasciende el rubro de las Bodas; nunca llegaremos a conocer el alcance real de nuestro trabajo, y las vidas que tal vez nos sea dado influir…”.

DESCUBRIMIENTO  “Churro” significa lo mismo aquí y en España. “Choripán”, sin embargo, no tiene equivalente allí, aunque el chorizo que lo constituye se parece a una “butifarra”.

FREDDY LUNA  Ambos coincidimos en que nos debemos un encuentro: los tres!

EL CIELO SEGUN FRANCISCO  “Un día, en mitad de un Workshop, alguien se me acercó, me dió un fuerte abrazo, y me susurró un “gracias” al oído.  Luego me enteré que, por causa de un trabajo mio, esa persona se había animado a decirle “te quiero” a su madre moribunda”.

LA VIDA COMO OBSERVADOR En algún punto de la charla, ambos comprendimos nuestro lugar en el mundo como observadores. Coincidimos en afirmar el privilegio de ser testigos de momentos tan felices en la vida de mucha gente. Sin embargo: ¿será hora de decidirnos a ser un poco más protagonistas de nuestras propias vidas?

UMBERTO ECO  Descubrí que Fran no estaba pendiente de “documentar”  con su cámara cada segundo de su paso por Buenos Aires. Su actitud me llenó de admiración y me recordó las palabras del filósofo italiano:  “...hay que frenar este deseo de estar presente con un ojo mecánico en lugar de con un cerebro…“.

CINE EN COMUN  Orson Welles, Julio Medem, Monty Python, Francois Truffaut, Darren Aronofsky…

SABORES REGIONALES  Medialunas y café en La Biela. Choripán con verduras asadas en la feria de La Recoleta. Pizza de espinaca en Banchero. Parrillada a dos cuadras del Obelisco. Y algo de cerveza.

HABITACION PARA DOS  Pedimos una habitación doble: nos ofrecieron dos habitaciones simples; luego una habitación con cama matrimonial (nos miramos un momento); luego una habitación triple, y más tarde una habitación cuádruple. Negociamos precios. Finalmente contratamos la habitación cuádruple al precio de una doble. Nos aseguraron que nadie más ocuparía las dos camas restantes. Fue la primera vez que nuestros equipos durmieron en camas.

PLANES DE CONQUISTA  Acordamos hacer algo juntos. En eso estamos.

ANTES DE PARTIR  Abrazo y promesa de reencuentro.  La vida nos indicará dónde.

AGRADECIMIENTO  ¡A tí, Francisco Montoro, por ser un grande!

03.04.2013 Articles, Press

(Please go to PUNTOMAGAZINE.NET to read the full interview)

Tell us about Real&Short Films.

Real & Short was born just over three years, when I decided to take a turning point in my professional career, which was influenced by the emergence of  DSLRs for filming. Interestingly, the technical revolution that these cameras signified allowed me to rethink my performative approach not only in a technical but also  a comprehensive manner.

Alejandro Calore is the founder and owner of Real & Short (, independent production company based in the city of Rosario, province of Santa Fe, Argentina. It consists of two divisions:

+Real&Short Films (various productions)

+Real&Short Weddings (Wedding Cinematography)

Have you always been a Videographer-Cinematographer, how did you begin?

I graduated from the School of Film and Television Provincial of Rosario in 1999. I started my career by participating in various media productions, covering technical and artistic roles, including my work as cameraman and editor of social events, first for studies, and then almost exclusively as a freelance filmmaker.

Currently Real & Short constitutes my personal project of 100% independent character.

What advice can you give in reference to audio?

I’ve always considered important recording ambient sound to give my work greater wealth. Undoubtedly, sound is half of our documentary work . And of course, recording the voices of our protagonists through wired microphones, or digital recorders when this is possible.

However, I believe that the creative development of the soundtrack during editing is also a valid strategy, the voices and direct sounds should not become barriers to our creativity. From an artistic perspective, everything can be subject to ongoing review. I consider that hearing clearly an “I do” at a wedding does not always represent to me a significant contribution in terms of story, no matter how proud I can feel with the quality of recorded audio.

As a creative person, you have to be true to your own vision. To the art. When you are at a wedding, up to which point can use your own creative expression?

I think it is about finding a balance between the expressive needs we have as filmmakers, and the needs of our customers. For Wedding Cinematography, for example, I recognize that there are certain moments whose recording seems to be unavoidable. However, I’ve noticed that the difference is not so much the “what” but  “How” .  How do we show creativity in a different manner–that which inevitably repeats itself at every wedding? And that’s where the personal artistic interests can find a suitable means of expression: in the “how”.

I think a wedding film should fully satisfy its author first, even make him cry. It is the guarantee that the final product will also create emotion in other people . It is an honest approach.

How do you focus before filming an event?

Contrary to my personal tendencies, I have concluded that I should not “plan” the filming/audio of a wedding. Let alone the making of a “script”.  A social event is something live, which is constantly changing. It will never be fully possible to predict the mood of the couple, the degree of participation of the guests, the weather, or the general spirit  the event will take on.

My philosophy is to pay attention and use intuition. Addressing a wedding documentation with pre conceived ideas may narrow dangerously our perception of it, causing us to lose unrepeatable moments.

During the event, do you film with editing in mind?

Regular exercise of this activity, coupled with the fact of certain constancy in the elements that integrate the ritual of a wedding, allows us to anticipate some situations as these develop. The idea of mentally editing them at some point is inevitable. However, I think it is a practice to which we should not succumb, since it tends to systematize the creative process.

No two weddings are alike, and my philosophy is to approach them as if each were the first, in hopes of of keeping out the preconceptions.

 Besides the final finished movie, what else do you offer your clients?

The Wedding Film I offer always includes the implementation of a Trailer or Preview of it, which I edit in the days immediately following the event, and is the only material  I make public on my blogsite and Facebook , since in addition to giving the bride and groom a first look of the film itself, it is a promotional tool for my work.

I also offer two other services besides Wedding Film: Pre-Wedding or E-session, and the Post-Wedding (one of its variations is the Trash The Dress). Both formats also become part of my blogsite and Facebook, as promotional material.

Any advice for someone starting out?

I am reluctant to give advice, in so far that they want to be equated with formulas. That said, I think it is very important to find a style, even if this is very different from the expectations of customers or colleagues.

I consider that the act of “copying” or “imitating” is inherent to a path that is initiated or is reformulated, and is a sign of reverence for an ideal one wishes, or intends to achieve. But as a long-term strategy, “Imitation” does not hold, and the products conceived in this way will  lack of it’s own life, and  eventually, will be a source of frustration for it’s authors.

Where do you see yourself  in 10 years? Any future goals?

I would like in the future to find myself unafraid to rethink my way of seeing the world through the camera, each time I feel the need for a change of course. I feel that so far I’ve been true to that impulse, and this has taken me through wonderful roads. I hope the days to come find me transcending borders, both internal and external.

If you could travel anywhere in the world to film an event, where would it be?

I like the idea of applying my attention to the  Wedding tradition in Europe, especially the fact of having locations like palaces, cathedrals, and Cottage style Weddings as typically seen in the UK.

A Cinematographer you would love to work with either living or dead?

In Wedding Cinematography, I’d love to witness the work of Patrick Moreau and Joe Simon, the filmmakers I learned much from by watching their work and listening to their interviews on the web.

As for filmmakers, I would have liked to witness the creative process of Stanley Kubrick, and have the privilege of witnessing a shooting day of Spielberg, who is known, to possess an incredible capacity for work.

12.25.2012 Articles


Nice review of “2people1life: A Tango Wedding” in BOHO WEDDINGS blogsite. Please follow this 

11.30.2012 Articles, Press

We were, We are and We will be.

Real&Short Weddings 3 años

10.23.2012 Articles, Press


Alex y Lisa han publicado recientemente la crónica de su experiencia en Argentina, celebrando su boda número 23. Sigan este ENLACE para leer el artículo.
Tomo prestado el siguiente fragmento para compartirlo con ustedes: qué orgullo!
“The video is actually miraculous as it makes it look like we can sort of dance with I can guarantee with the pressure of the moment, the traffic, and the adrenalin… we could not! It also depicts our day perfectly and I hope you can feel a bit of the thrill of Buenos Aires…”

08.14.2012 Articles, Press


Al fin, lo conseguimos!
En pocas horas más tendremos el placer de acompañar a esta pareja de aventureros -Lisa & Alex-, quienes llevan adelante esta alucinante iniciativa llamada “2people1life”: celebrando sus votos por todo el mundo!  Inglaterra, Estados Unidos, México, Belize, Colombia, Perú, Chile y ahora Argentina son algunos de los destinos más recientes de este genial proyecto.
Real&Short  tendrá el privilegio exclusivo de rodar su paso por Buenos Aires, en una verdadera “Tango Wedding”, como ellos gustan llamar. Y aunque el pronóstico para las próximas horas indica lluvia, nuestros novios ya están haciendo planes para sacar provecho de ella. ¡Esa es la actitud!
Y compartiremos esta experiencia soñada junto a Emiliano Rodriguez y Juan Pablo Mansilla (nada menos!), fotógrafo elegido para “2people1life Argentina”.

Visiten el blog  y el fanpage de 2people1life.

09.17.2011 Articles, Press

LOCATION: Brides&Smiles
PHOTOGRAPHER: Claudia Cebrián

09.03.2011 Articles, Press


LOCATION: Salta, Argentina
PHOTOGRAPHER: Walter Carrera

08.08.2011 Articles

My purpose as Wedding Videographer is to show the moment when two people choose each other to spend the rest of their lives together. Those are highly emotional moments, which I try to elaborate as a Short Film.
But I rarely have the opportunity to meet those couples again. I’ve recently shot the Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary of a couple, so I had the chance to witness the legacy of  a “long-term marriage”: 4 children, 9 grandchildren and a lot of new friends.

LOCATION: Córdoba, Argentina